This post is not focused on how to wear denim and other fashion with afos/leg braces. If that’s what you’re looking for then check out this post on how to diy cute jeans to wear with afos.
To say it has not been easy finding myself is an understatement, that’s for sure.
I put my parents through virtual hell from age 10 until my early twenties. I’ll spare you the details for now, but let’s just say…
Delinquent depressed teenage girl + mom fed up and near nervous breakdown = Shipped off to boarding school far, far away.
Like many teenage girls, I was really insecure and wanted to be accepted so badly that I literally cried out for attention. Everything was black & white, and I remember worrying constantly…
What if no-one saves me a seat at lunch? What if I NEVER get invited to Homecoming? What if no boy EVER really likes me?
I wanted to have the “perfect body” and “perfect boyfriend” just like Seventeen Magazine told me I could have and should have. There were no Dove “Real Beauty” campaigns back in the 80’s. When Kate Moss said, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” I believed her, and so did millions of other girls.