AFOs, or ankle foot orthotics, can be a pain. I mean a real pain. Can you say ouch?Whether you wear leg braces or not, people with problem feet are prone to callouses. Callouses aren’t glamorous to talk about. However, in my effort to help people with invisible disabilities, I can’t NOT talk about them! Callouses can make walking painful and feel awful. I know. YOU know exactly what I’m talking about!
Here’s another reason callouses are a pain. It is hard for me to file my own feet as I also have trouble with my hands. I’m not one to give up on solving a problem. And when I find a solution, I’m the shout-it-from-the-rooftops kind of gal! You’re welcome. <grin>
My discover is wonderful. It’s affordable. Most importantly, it works! Ta-dah! It’s a rechargeable electric file! You know what? Before I discovered rechargeable electric files, I was going to the podiatrist and the local pedicure place regularly. While most people LOVE a good pedicure, they can hurt the wallet.
This is the electric file I bought. Here’s why I love it. The button is not hard for me to push. It does the job in record time. And it’s reasonably priced. Let me know your experience!